There is no one correct way to lose weight. What helps one person shed pounds and fat may not work on another. Because we’re all so different, from our food preferences to our body chemistry, the only successful way to reach and maintain a healthy weight is to find what works for you. There probably are a million ways to gain 10 pounds, but here are 24 ways to lose them—whether it is the your first or last 10 pounds—these tips have been proven to work.

1. Keep hydrated at all times

Research shows that dieters who guzzle plenty of H2O lose more weight than those who don’t. There’s a reason why Tom Brady looks THAT good and is still playing in the NFL past the age of 40— in his recently released book “The TB12 Method”, his diet consists of drinking up to 2.5 gallons of water a day. And to break it down for you, that’s 36 glasses of water a day!

2. Go vegetarian

In general, vegetarians have lower body weights than their meat-eating peers. It won’t be a bad idea to follow their lead—at least until you drop a few pounds. But still, keep the cooking clean—no deep fried tempura vegetables.

3. Or better yet, go vegan

If you want to go a bit further (and also to be even kinder to animals), take it to the next level by swearing off eggs and dairy, too. Cheese can make you fat.

4. Eat fresh

Eliminate packaged foods and eat only fresh ingredients you’ve prepared. No bags, boxes, cans, or cartons allowed. Simple enough?

5. Diet hard for just 2 days a week

If you can’t stick to some changes all the time, try slashing your calories to 650 a day just two days a week and eating normally the other days. One study suggests this offers protection from breast cancer as well as assistance with weight loss.

6. Cut out sugar (or be less sweet)

Everyone knows sugar isn’t healthy, but when you start reading labels, you find it in unexpected places, like pasta sauce and frozen entrées. Cutting the sugar out of your diet will mean healthier meals overall.

7. Cut out the white flour

The short-term elimination of floury foods like white bread and pastries can efficiently kick-start your weight loss plan. Besides the great taste of white floured foods, it doesn’t have any nutritional benefits as all the vitamins and fiber have been “processed” out.

8. Sleep more

Research shows that those who don’t get enough shut-eye eat more and reach for more fattening grub than people who get plenty of rest. So, pull down all the blinds and get at least 8 hours of sleep a day.

9. Have more sex

As if you need more reasons to have sex—a thirty minute of sex burns at least 60 calories for a 150-pound woman.

10. Eat at home as often as possible

Meals eaten away from home have 134 more calories, on average.

11. Eat nuts

A recent study found that dieters who snacked on shelled pistachios shed more pounds than those who ate other snacks, even though they contained the same amount of calories.

12. Eat a grapefruit everyday

A study conducted by the University of Alberta found eating one grapefruit daily helped 58% of subjects to lose more weight than the other other group that didn’t get a grapefruit.

13. Train for a race

Many people find that having an athletic goal motivates them to exercise regularly in a way that nothing else can. So, sign up for the next half marathon, 10k or even 5k race and get you butt going.

14. Join a sports club

Fitness can be fun, and if it is, you’re more likely to stick with it. Pickup softball, anyone?

15. Cut out all sugary drinks, diet included

Large sodas have 500-plus calories, and juice isn’t much better. Be like Tom and drink water instead.

16. Stand while you work

Standing burns at least 30% more calories than sitting on your backside all day.

17. Eat soup for dinner

Soup’s high water content makes it a low-calorie and filling option. Just steer clear of the creamy kinds.

18. Stop snacking

If you did not know this, the real reason French women don’t get fat is because it’s a cultural faux pas to eat between meals.

19. Spice up your meals

Chilli peppers really can rev your metabolism, according to research conducted by the University of Alberta.

20. Walk or bike work

Walk or bike to work for a slimming—not fattening—commute. If that’s not an option, then take the bus or train—they’re better than driving.

21. Don’t skip breakfast

Those who enjoy a morning meal have been shown over and over to be slimmer than breakfast skippers.

22. Eat more Greek yogurt

A recent report revealed the foods most identified with maintaining a healthy weight, and Greek yogurt ranked among the best.

23. Stay away from potato chips

At the top of the list for foods that make you add pounds is potato chips—it does not matter whether they’re baked, broiled or fried—they’re all bad for you.

24. Give yourself a break

Obsessing over losing weight is counterproductive! Making yourself stressful does crazy things to your body and you will ultimately have a harder time losing weight. So, don’t think too much and overcomplicate things—with weight loss, more often than not, simplicity is best.

One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” thathelped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

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